6 Ways Print is Superior

In this digital age, it may seem like everything a business needs is in electronic form or online. However, not everything is convenient in digital form. Businesses still have a great need for print services. 

The print vs. digital debate has been going on for a long time. Digital does have a place in today’s business world. It is cheaper and can be very convenient. Digital copy is an important part of a marketing strategy. However, print still has a place in conducting a successful business. 

Here are six reasons you should consider print: 


Printed material is visible and can reach people immediately right where they are. Regardless of the form, a sign, a banner, a brochure, or a flier, print material is simple and easy for your potential customers to reach wherever they are. 


Because it is tangible, print is more memorable than passing flashes of light in a digital form. The physical connection is more endurable. It gives the consumer something to keep. Therefore, it will hold the potential customer’s attention longer. 

Holds Attention

Because print doesn’t need to share “eye space” with all that goes on with a web page, print holds a consumer’s singular attention. As a result, print gives them time to engage with your piece. 


Unlike digital, print creates credibility. It takes time, resources and purpose to create printed materials. This may not be a conscious argument, but consumers know it. 


Digital displays may be eye-catching but can be headaches in the execution. Are your employees capable of dealing with the technical problems that digital can cause? You could lose an opportunity over some little snag in the execution. 

Ownership and Control

There is no gray area over who owns what in print advertising. You own it, and you control who accesses it. 

Partner for Print

Focus 33 can make you and your business look great. If you are looking for a partner for print to handle all your print needs, contact Focus 33 today.

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